If a vitamin and supplements pill does not dissolve within a short period of time, it will pass through the body without providing full benefits and recent studies have called into question whether pills or tablets dissolve quickly enough in the human body to be effective.
If you take a vitamin pill and it does not dissolve fast enough, you can lose two ways. First, your body fails to get full benefit of the nutrients, and secondly, you have wasted your money. If you are taking a vitamin b12 pill and it does not dissolve fast enough, you could still end up with vitamin b12 deficiency.
Not all nutritionals are created equal. The chemist doesn't simply add water and stir. It is no small task to hold the nutrients in solution and deliver label claims. Liquid Solutions are great-tasting liquid nutritional products for consumers who are looking for an alternative to pills, tablets, and capsules.
The statements in this catalog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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